


      Today, I woke up at 6:45. morning. This is my earliest record after I came to the U.S.  So I had breakfast at the cafeteria talking to friends of mine.  Then, I attended the English classes, but there were some feelings of wrong. That’s because, you know, Taka didn’t attend the class. Anyway, we took the lecture outside near the coffee shop. It was very new to me to speech outside to others, so I felt nerves. But listening to others eating something was very good. Taka didn’t attend the TD class either.

      After the class, I took a nap from 2pm to 2:30pm. I felt good after a little sleep. So I did my homework to improve my introduction. Today, because I did nothing especially, it’s hard to write the journal, I think. However, I’ll do my best! I write about friends of mine. I made friends with a lot of people, who come from Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China. That means I have chances to talk with people of various kind of backgrounds and communicate with them. This is very valuable experience, I think, so I would like to make use of this chance. I have a friend named Mandy. She is very funny. It means she looks funny and her characteristic is also funny. She is one of the most interesting person I have ever seen. She shouts too loudly. She is best friend of mine.
Tomorrow, at the class, I have to do my best and keep awake!!!!

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