
Stanford University!

    I missed the breakfast again because I went to bed  at 2-30 yesterday, so I havent had breakfast yet since I came Stanford!   I really want to know what it is like and decide to get up earlier to have breakfast tomorrow morning!!  That's all what what I want to say!!

Today, I had English classes and feel amazing to see Linda, my class partner, speak very aggressively during the class. For example, when the teacher asked the students to rise our hands and tell her the answer, I was wondering whether I do or not, but Linda rose her hands and answer!  I learned that this aggressiveness is needed to improve myself.
After the class,I went shopping to the book store to buy clothes, notes and drink delicious coffee. Then I recommended to buy the book whose title of that is "What I Wish to Know When I Was 20" written by the Stanford professor.  Is it very famous in the U.S??  I didn't know that book. I wanted to buy it , but I had enough money to buy it, so I didn't.

Tonight, I listened to the talk of the diplomat. However, I was really sleepy I couldn't understand his talk .Then , after going back to the dormitory, I did my homework at the lounge, where there is very obstacles to studying, for example , music that someone listened or chatting voices, so I didn't succeed in concentrate in studying. But I try to do hard not to be procrastinator!!

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