


 Today, after the English class, I went to take the lecture at the 250 building. The lecture was about immigration to the U.S. I was very interested in that topic because I studied about the immigration in advance at the TD class. The lecture was very interesting to me and gave me lots of things to think about. It means that I got interested in the topic of immigration. So, I want to research about Japanese immigration to the U.S. when I come back to Japan. What impressed me most was the fact that many other immigrants from another country also tried to live in another country such as America. Because I never think of that and knowing that fact was very valuable experience.

After the lecture, I went to see the venture capital firm named GCP by van from here to the Redwood. I was surprised to see the building , because that building was bigger than I expected. Then I took the lecture of Japanese person who is working there. It was very beneficial to me and may have any influence on my life. Always, I think it important to ask any questions to the presenter, anything you want. So, I listened to the presenters carefully, so that I could ask some questions. Today also, Yayo asked some questions. I think she is very good at questioning. I think to question is some kinds of ability gotten from many cycles of English use. So, I have to practice by trying to ask some questions!!

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