

       Sorry to be late for the today’s class!! It was because I planned what I should do today at the different building! Sorry, sorry.
Today is the first day of our presentations, so I feel a little excited about that. Today’s presenter was Linda, Kirstin, Zona and Hannah. First, Linda did her presentation about recycling. What was interesting to me were that she had the slide that showed “before” and “after” expectation and that she suggested that we should do recycling more and more by showing “Let’s recycling” on the slide. Because I think it a good idea to let us compare the before and after expectation and by suggesting presentator’s ideas to us, the presentation became more impressive. Second, Kirstin did her presentation about first-food culture in America. It was very attractive because we can watch the video of comments that we have about fast-food at the beginning of her presentation. I thought it very good way to attract audience quickly and deeply, so I want to use some videos in a efficient way. Third, Zona conducted her presentation about fast-food too. Zona’s presentation was a little different from Kirstin’s prese ntation. Because Zona also referred the influence on the environment. I think environmental problem is emergent problem to be needed, so it was good things for Kirstin to think about the influence on the environment. Hannah was the last presentater of today’s. The topic was about “Americans learn the Mandolin”. It was good because we could see the literature review and so simple structure that we can understand easily.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Journal
    Today, after the English class, we went to the SFMOMA museum in the San Francisco!! It was very fun because there were so many kinds of arts, sculptures and pictures. I was so impressed to watch almost all of them. And it was very comfortable to drink coffee- lattee at the top floor. Then, I went to buy goods at the store of MARC BY MARC JACOBS. So I went to the Fishermans whalf by cable car. It was very interesting experience for me because we could go through the city by bus and I had never riden something like that in Japan. So, when I arrived at the destination at the 7:15, the staff said to you that they closed the store at 7pm and we tried so many times but they denied us.
